Thanks to our generous donors and our prayerful supporters, we were able to provide six Diocesan Health Centers in northern Uganda with personal protective equipment for staff members, including face masks, gloves and sanitizer, as well as no-contact infrared thermometers. These Health Centers are so grateful for your concern with their safety and the safety of their patients as they strive to control the spread of the Corona virus.
As Covid 19 persists, The University of the Sacred Heart Gulu, another critical project supported by GuluHelp, remains closed to students for face to face learning, However, it continues to be of service to communities in northern Uganda. Through radio programs, it has engaged the community to reduce the impact of the virus, and its students are among the frontline workers at Covid19 Treatment Centers. Financial and prayerful support of USHG through GuluHelp Foundation will help them to continue their positive impact on the physical, social and mental well being of people in the region.